


In compliance with current regulations, the Admission Process will not include any evaluation of the applicant children; focusing on interviews with parents applying for membership of the Cooperative of Educational Services Abraham Lincoln Ltda.

According to RM No. 0622-2013-ED, applicant families have the responsibility to report the existence of special educational needs of the child, including the possible existence of difficulties in language development, in order to ensure educational attention that is appropriate for them. relevant and develop an optimal bilingual preparation process.

The applicant families, after presenting the complete files, will be summoned by telephone for the corresponding interviews.

The members of the Cooperative are exempt from said interviews.

The incorporation of families as members of the Cooperative implies that their children automatically become incoming students, proceeding to carry out psychopedagogical observations.


1. Online application registration:

1) Send an email to stating your desire to be part of the admission process and requesting the checklist corresponding to the degree.

2) Download the forms and complete the information.

2. filing of documentation in admission office

Submit the complete documentation requested from both the minor and the applicant for membership to the Admissions Department.

Note: All documents submitted will be kept for one month after the process is complete.

3.Payment of registration

With the compliance of the documentation presented in the admission office, payment will be made for the Right of the Admission Process.

4. Delivery of evaluation and interviews schedule

Applicants, after submitting the complete documentation, will be contacted by telephone for the corresponding evaluations.

5. Delivery Of Results

The final results of the admission process will be notified by letter to the families on the date according to the schedule established for the ongoing admission process.


Payments and School Fee

Right of Admission

S/. 300.00

General pension

S/. 2,003.00*

Cooperative Contribution

$ 10
Throughout the school stage

Service Fee (Nursery to Grade 6)

S/. 22,500**
Throughout the school stage

Service Fee (Transfers Grade 7 to Grade 11)

S/. 12,500*

Throughout the school stage
(*)The Service Fee is a contribution to the Cooperative Reserve in accordance with the provisions of subsection e) of article 25 of the Statute, numeral 1.7 of article 5 and numeral 1.5 of article 43 of the TUO of the General Law of Cooperatives. Pursuant to article 44 of the General Law of Cooperatives, the Cooperative Reserve is irreparable; and, therefore, they do not have the right to claim or receive any part of it, the partners, those who have resigned, those excluded or, in the case of natural persons, the heirs of one or the other. The service fee must be paid up to 15 days after receiving the letter of admission, once the term has expired, your admission as a member will be without effect, so you will not be able to enroll your child in the school promoted by the Cooperative. . In case you request fractionation, consult policies (here indicate who to consult).
For the first child 100%. For the second and subsequent 50% of the fee for each. (**) The monthly fee includes only the regular education service and is set annually by the General Assembly of Members. In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Cooperative’s Statute and what was agreed at the Extraordinary General Assembly on 02.10.2016, you may exercise your rights as a member of the Cooperative from the payment of the first pension. The amount indicated is the rate for the year 2022 and may vary for subsequent years.  


What is the Nursery schedule?

Class Schedule
Arrival time: from 7:30 am – 7:45 a.m.
Dismissal time: Nursery: 1:40 pm, Pre-Kindergarten 02:30 p.m. – Kindergarten 02:30 p.m.
Each grade has two periods of break at different times.
Snack: Children do not have lunch at school; they only have two snacks.
A balanced light snack proposed by the school.
Prepared by the parents once a month for all students in the classroom.
Lunch box brought from home.

Does the school offer a Bank of Books Service?

Yes, it is a savings system that benefits the members of the “Cooperative” allowing to rent the books, including the Reading Plan.

Are There Vacancies For Transfers?

Yes, transfers can be made during the year until before the start of the third term.  Students must take English, Mathematics, and Communication exams, as well as a psycho-pedagogical test.

What courses include Artistic, Sports and Training Workshops Programs? Do they have any cost?

The workshops are given free of charge from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday through Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturdays. Nursery students also have a Ludo-motricity workshop (Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten) and Dance (Kindergarten) in the evenings during the week.

Is There Dining Service?

Nursery students take their snack supervised by their teachers in their own classrooms. Lunch times in the lunchroom for Elementary and Secondary School are differentiated.